PIAZZA BARBIERI 22 - Pinerolo (Torino)
(0.41 Km From city center)S.LE SAN SECONDO, 100 - Pinerolo (Torino)
(1.43 Km From city center)STRADALE ORBASSANO, 21 - Pinerolo (Torino)
(1.91 Km From city center)(603)
VALPELLICE, 68 / A - San Secondo di Pinerolo (Torino)
(2.32 Km From city center)(192)
Via Rossi, 34, 10060 Cantalupa TO - Cantalupa (Torino)
(1.11 Km From city center)Among beechen and chestnuts woods, on Pinerolo hill, in a XIXth century country house finely restored and equipped with age style furnitures, la Locan...
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