Via Principale, 91, 39029 Solda BZ - Solda (Bolzano)
(0.33 Km From city center)Admire the rich, panoramic landscape and unforgettable views of the Alps from this traditional, 4-star hotel located directly in Stelvio National Park...
ST.JOHANNSTASSE 7 - Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano)
(0.35 Km From city center)HAUPTSTRASSE 100 - Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano)
(0.1 Km From city center)DORNWEG 12 - Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano)
(0.51 Km From city center)(4)
HAUPTSTRASSE 28 - Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano)
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